Pereira, Dabul performs services of Legal Audit (Due Diligence) in order to offer our clients a reliable portrait of the civil, patrimonial, and criminal condition of the natural and legal persons involved in their operations and transactions. Such audit allows the identification of potential red flags to be considered in future negotiations and shall gauge liabilities (including those hidden in plain sight). This is strongly recommended internationally and means a fundamental effort to the success of M&A operations or investments in any type of corporation, nationally or overseas. Due Diligences also intend to filter aspects in order to favor preemptive action by our clients, therefore allowing them to identify nonconformities in their routines and acting upon any of them, enabling improvements and adjustments, therefore avoiding future fines and condemnations. Such services may be rendered throughout the Brazilian territory and include:
  • Analysis of certificates issued by Brazilian authorities, as well as documents and agreements, aiming to identify liabilities;
  • Detailed review of management routines, policies, and procedures adopted by corporations, focusing on recognizing nonconformities which may characterize liabilities or pose as high-risk contingencies;
  • Legal diagnosis of the corporate, commercial, tax, social security, labor, environmental, and intellectual property situation, examining judicial and administrative litigation;
  • Draft of a report highlighting critical aspects and red flags and measuring contingencies; Legal support and technical critique to accounting due diligence reports issued by accountants or audit firms.

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Meet the services Pereira, Dabul offers to you, your company or startup.


Pasteur Street, 463, 4th floor, Batel
Curitiba/PR – Brazil
ZIP 80250-104

+55 41 3075-1500


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